SEER rating is an important factor to consider when choosing an air conditioning unit. It stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is a measure of the cooling output of an air conditioning unit compared to the energy it uses over an entire season. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit is at cooling your home.
Until recently, the minimum SEER rating required for new air conditioning units was 14. But as of January 2023, the new Florida state minimum SEER2 rating has been increased to 14.3, which equates to a SEER 15 rating under the current standard.
This new standard, known as SEER2, is designed to promote energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of air conditioning units. The SEER2 rating system takes into account factors such as climate zone, annual cooling hours, and average daily temperature range to determine the most efficient rating for each specific region. This means that the SEER2 rating is more accurate and tailored to the needs of each area, leading to better energy savings and lower utility bills.
The difference between the old SEER rating and the new SEER2 rating is that SEER2 is a more precise measure of energy efficiency. SEER only takes into account a fixed set of conditions, while SEER2 is more dynamic and can adjust for variables such as humidity and temperature fluctuations. This means that the SEER2 rating provides a more realistic estimate of how an air conditioning unit will perform over the course of an entire season.
When considering the purchase of a new air conditioning unit, it is important to look for one with a high SEER rating. Not only will this help you save money on your energy bills, but it will also reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment.
In conclusion, the SEER rating is a critical factor to weigh when selecting an air conditioning unit for your Lakeland home. With the advent of the SEER2 rating system, the standards have been elevated to encourage enhanced energy efficiency and to offer a more precise measurement of performance. Opting for a high SEER-rated air conditioning unit is not only an excellent way to save money but also a means to contribute to environmental protection. At Precision AC Services, your trusted Lakeland AC company, we're here to help you make informed choices for a more efficient and comfortable home.